Friday, March 26, 2010

Big Weekend

Nothing special is coming up this weekend but since I'll be taking Monday off from work I'll be able to play all the "mini-Majors" on Sunday. I haven't really fared all that well in them to date but its still fun to try. Plus I'll play most of my normal schedule and I'll also have a good chunk of Saturday to play as well. I'd estimate that I'll get into at least 50 games, probably 60+ over the weekend.

Played a few SNGs earlier this week, Tuesday night wasn't great as I only nabbed a second out of six games. However, last night was pretty good. I got in 16 games and won three, got second five times and ended up third in two others. I don't know what it is but I can't seem to hold with the best hand heads-up in those things lately.

Since I did pretty well over that set I'm in position to take a shot at winning some TLB prizes. I have a 6-game set left to try and improve on both the weekly and the monthly boards so hopefully I can get a solid set in. I think I'll try to do that tonight after.... jai-alai. Ugh, I know. Again. Why I do this to myself I have no clue. Well, yes I do. My wife likes going. Who am I to dare say no?

I'm kidding of course. I like getting out and doing stuff like this, even though I could better serve society by donating that burned cash to the Red Cross or something. Then again maybe some degen (other than me) at the fronton could use it. :)

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