Monday, April 5, 2010

Chugging Along

Made it through another weekend and I did manage to play a good amount of poker again. I think I ended up playing about 50 games and came out with a profit, which is always nice. The one that made the weekend was on UB where I won a MTT for $750 on Saturday. This was one of the promotional MTTs from their Leaderboard Challenge. I doubt I'll be able to play anywhere near enough of these to qualify high enough to get anything for it but with a win already under my belt, who knows.

I've also continued to play around with Camtasia, which is the program I'm using to make the videos. Pretty neat little gadget to use to film what is on your computer screen. I'm letting Pokerology host whatever I record so if you wanna take a look, be my guest. I'm by no means claiming to know what I'm doing or talking about but its been a lot of fun doing it.

In other news, I thought "Clash Of The Titans" was good but not great, we did win a bet at jai-alai again (but still burned money overall) and I've just come to the realization that I really should go ahead and do my tax return. Ugh.


  1. Standard weekend shippage by you again. That $750 score was a very well played final table. I know it's tough being out of your element at times (deep HU) but you handled yourself excellently given what you know. I can't wait to get better at deep HU so I can show you a few things. We'll learn it together.

  2. Thanks Jen! Always willing to learn anything I can to get better.
