Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Weekend Report, June 5-6th, 2010

In a word... crushed. I wasn't outplayed though, that's for sure. Because of that fact times like this can be very frustrating without the proper mindset going in. When you repeatedly see your opponents doing fundamentally poor things time after time yet beat you to a pulp its tempting to either give up or try the same bad plays they are making. I'm not sure which option would be worse.

I came close to a couple things but nothing that really stands out. I placed 7th in a $13 turbo 6-max MTT on Cake for $42 and picked up a few other middling cashes here and there. Overall this was my worst weekend results-wise that I've ever had. The highlight? I won a bracelet event in the WSOPokerology Stud Hi freeroll, luckboxing my way thru 16 others to a big $12.50 freeroll win, LOL. I had never played 7-card stud in a tournament before and if I have played it at all it was a looooooong time ago, probably as part of a dealer's choice night with friends and I certainly didn't know how to play then.

Last night I did chop the first home game at Robin and Phil's so I was up $30 for the evening. I made a huge fold in the second game with AKo preflop and after checking ICM/Nash I confirmed it was correct to do so, given what I knew of my opponents ranges. I keep making great decisions but getting horrible results as I still bubbled it. Oh well.

Tonight I'm back at it on Full Tilt, maybe with a little bit from other sites thrown in for fun. We just can't give up now.


  1. Came upon your blog through some friends. Just wanted to say that I know exactly how you feel. I had a horrible time of it last week and no matter what I tried, I just couldn't put together a good run. Took it slow over the weekend, cleared my head, and started fresh yesterday - so far it's been clear sailing! Hope it picks up for you as well.

  2. Wow I missed this comment somehow. Thanks for the encouragement! Hopefully you'll keep an eye on this blog in the future and feel free to add any more comments as you see fit!
